xQc And Adept Gifts Twitch Subs

Ennan Zapanta December 28, 2021
xQc And Adept Gifts Twitch Subs

On the GTA RP server, xQc and Adept agreed to give hundreds of subs to smaller streamers. Both streamers gave each other a hundred subs, and everyone was pleasantly delighted by the sudden flood of subscribers.

xQc and Adept are the most recent members of the streaming community to engage in the spirit of giving back. Most streamers, such as Pokimane and Mizkif, have begun a Santa gesture in which they purchase items for their fans from their Amazon wishlists.

xQc and Adept, on the other hand, chose a different approach. Smaller streams who were playing GTA RP were given subs by the power couple, which drew positive comments from the smaller streamers. The entire saga was a joy to see. 

When they watched xQc and Adept, every streamer who received the gifted subs had an identical reaction of astonishment and bewilderment. The streaming community praised the duo for their Christmas gesture. The streamers were lauded by all, who admired their generosity and goodwill.

Many people noted that these subs were given to them off-stream by the streamers. As a result, this gesture was doubly appreciated, as fans knew it wasn’t intended to attract attention. 

Several streamers, including xQc and Adept, took advantage of the christmas season to give back to their communities. For their fans, Pokimane and Mizkif dressed up as Santa Claus. Sketchbooks and other art supplies were among the goods for offer, as were technological equipment and household items. 

Since streamers owe their successful careers to their committed fanbases, fans welcomed this gesture of giving back to their communities.