Will Ryan Haywood Return?

TwitchAddict January 6, 2021
Will Ryan Haywood Return?

A Twitch Streamer that was accused of being a groomer and sexual abuser is preparing to return to streaming after he learned that Twitch didn’t actually ban him despite the issue of having ‘predator’ accusations made against him.

Ryan Haywood is a former member of Rooster Teeth. He was fired because of the ‘predatory’ accusations made against him.

Haywood has been accused of having sex with minors. There is lots of evidence and testimonies that will attest to the accusations. He has also been accused of exchanging and asking for nude photos of young girls.

There are lots of victims that came forward and made their testimonies about what Haywood’s shameful acts did to them.

Despite the bad image and the accusations thrown at Haywood, Twitch doesn’t seem to be concerned and didn’t take any action about the issue.

Many believe that Haywood didn’t deserve to be on the streaming platform because of his record. His actions may be a threat to the platform’s users.

Some believe that he will still change and was still supported by saying that he deserves a second chance. 

He then posted that 2020 was a bad year for him and hinted to his followers that he might come back to streaming by saying that he’s still figuring things out and that he’s been doing better mentally. 

He also mentioned that he is trying to fix his life as of the moment and assured that he will keep his followers updated to what plan he’s planning to make.