Will HusKerrs Quit Warzone?

TwitchAddict August 30, 2021
Will HusKerrs Quit Warzone?

Warzone star HusKers recently appeared to have reached his breaking point with controller aim assist, which explains why he would abandon the Warzone if things haven’t changed and improved.

Like Fortnite andApex Legends, Warzone is a popular battle royale game that allows players to use a variety of input methods in the same lobby. A group of controller players can easily cross paths with a group of gamers who use a mouse and keyboard.

The biggest Twitch streamers have been debating this core feature of Warzone’s gameplay for the past few weeks. Is it really a fairfight in Verdansk with controller players having access to powerful aim assist?

During a recent $75,000 Twitch Rivals tournament FPS veteran Michael Grzesiek AKA Shroud was shocked by how accurate Warzone Aim assist is. HusKerrs, Shroud’s event duo is there with him, threatening to leave Warzione altogether.

Last August 29th, another Warzone streamer Almond posted a highlight with the simple caption “aim assist (for the win).”

In 1v1 gunfights, the clip demonstrated how controller players may have a slight advantage. The ability to track and pre-aim enemies through surfaces could mean the difference between a win and a loss.

HusKerrs took to social media to express their displeasure and emphasize that this “shit” makes me want to quit Warzone.

“At the top, it’s just not a level playing field for mouse and keyboard” Hundreds of players chimed in with their own perspective on the drama as a result of his reaction. HusKerrs were even encouraged to “plug in the controller” by sniping legend FaZe Pamaj and said that “no one isgoing to stop you”.

According to HusKerrs, it’s not easy to just plug in a controller and compete with the best controller players in the world.

Instead of switching sides and picking up the sticks, he wanted to draw attention to the fact that “the aim assists is a little too strong” and then argued that in 1v1 gunfights between controller and mouse and keyboard players, the latter “can’t be off by the slightest amount or they lose”.

Despite his complaints and even hints that he might abandon Warzone entirely, HusKerrs failed to offer a solution to the problem. For the time being, it doesn’t appear that anything Warzone is going to change.

Players from all walks of life will be able to compete in the top Warzone competitions However, if there is enough outrage, we may see separate tournaments in the future.