Warzone Cheaters Brag About Using Wall-Hacks

TwitchAddict January 18, 2021
Warzone Cheaters Brag About Using Wall-Hacks

On the popular game Call of Duty: Warzone, cheating has been the number one issue according to some streamers and players. While the anti-cheat still hasn’t affected all cheaters, it has resulted with cheaters and hackers running wild on the game. Recently, a gamer with the username hiddenintcloudnd bragged on stream that they are actually cheating using wall-hacks.

In their live broadcast on twitch for three hours, viewers can clearly see their hacks in action but the players simply laughed about it. One in the group stated; “None of us are worried about getting banned right now, As soon as I get shadowbanned I’ll be on a different account. It won’t take me long.” It seems like they have no intention of changing their playstyle anytime soon. Because of the stream cheating incident, DexertoIntel tweeted a clip of them showcasing their cheats and soon after, Activision Support saw their tweet which got these players multiple accounts banned.

However, despite this action, hackers have been able to change accounts without punishment for a number of months now considering that Warzone is free to play. It seems like this type of cheating isn’t going away anytime soon.