Trihex is Asking Twitch to Twitch Take Action on Hate Raids

TwitchAddict August 25, 2021
Trihex is Asking Twitch to Twitch Take Action on Hate Raids

Twitch streamer Mychal Jefferson aka Trihex has recently called on Twitch to take further action on the constant hate raids after he suffered from racial abuse.

Aside from being one of the faces on Twitch, Twitch streamer Trihex is also the man behind the popular TriHard emote which is used to express emotion for an event that is about to happen or to generate hype.

However, in the past weeks, the constant hate raids within the platform are getting out of hand and the TriHard emote was often used to these hate raids causing Twitch streamer Trihex getting a massive backlash.

Aside from his TriHard emote being used for raids, he has also been subjected to racial abuse on the platform for years. On August 22nd, Trihex shared on Twitter that he experienced his first hate raid as those botters targeting smaller streamers are flooding his own chat. Because of this, he called out for twitch and demands to take further action on these hate raids.

Here’s what he said; “I’m no stranger to being called these hateful things but not everyone is accustomed to dealing with it. A small streamer with no mod team getting invaded by tens or hundreds of bots and having to ban the bot accounts manually — one at a time — can be traumatizing. The most we can do natively (outside of third-party tools) is turn on sub mode and individually nuke accounts and then enable follower-only until things stabilize.”