Summit1g Dedicating His Twitch Stream To GTA RP Full-Time

TwitchAddict March 20, 2021
Summit1g Dedicating His Twitch Stream To GTA RP Full-Time

The GTA RP has completely taken over the platform thanks largely to the success of NoPixel. NoPixel is a server dedicated to roleplaying within the confines of GTA Online. Many of Twitch’s top streamers such as Felix ‘xQc’ Lengyel, HasanAbi, Lirik and Summit1g have taken to streaming NoPixel content.

The NoPixel development team have already added some pretty interesting features to the game, with more still to come. And it seems like twitch streamer Summit1g will be going to stick around this time instead of moving on to other games. Summit continues to make his mark on GTA RP with his Charles Johnson persona. During his March 19th live broadcast, he went on to explain as to why he is sticking with GTA RP as his main game.

He was alerted to the fact that the NoPixel devs have got more bank jobs, heists, and criminal activities for him and his team to tackle in the future as he stated during the stream; “I’m excited for all the unlocks that are going to happen in the city and I’m excited for the shit that comes along with it. It’s going to be fun times dude. That’s why I’m strapped in. I don’t want myself to burn out, I want to strap in a little bit and see what happens. This is a unique time in a very small, unique thing of a game.” Clearly, Summit wants to see what the world of NoPixel 3.0 has in store once the devs are able to flesh everything out.