Shroud Hopes Cyberpunk 2077 Is Dead Within A Month

TwitchAddict December 24, 2020
Shroud Hopes Cyberpunk 2077 Is Dead Within A Month

One of the most well known streamers nowadays Michael Grzesiek aka Shroud recently spoke about his thoughts about the new popular game Cyberpunk 2077. When the game Cyberpunk 2077 was released on December 10th, it received a lot of mixed reviews from players.

Some were enjoying it on the next-gen consoles and PC, however, others were having serious issues with playing the game on PlayStation 4 and Xbox. The players experienced bugs, glitches, and certain graphics that made the game unplayable. CD Projekt Red says it is going to update the glitches as they are reported to the studio, but many players are requesting refunds for payment for what they’ve had to experience.

In Shroud’s case, during one of his recent live broadcasts where he shared his thoughts on the game, he came out saying that he wants Cyberpunk 2077 to die within a month, but for a different reason. He stated that he doesn’t wish to play it for too long, stating that the reason is because it’s a single-player game and that he didn’t want to spend his “whole life playing it.” Also, he went on to say that he wants to spend just enough time, and then get out of Night City.