RiceGum Gets Back at Pokimane

TwitchAddict July 7, 2021
RiceGum Gets Back at Pokimane

Popular youtube and twitch streamer RiceGum hits out at twitch streamer Pokimane after Pokimane discussed his past during her live broadcast with Ricegum stating that people change and learn from their mistakes.

RiceGum remains one of the most popular streamers across platforms despite just recently returning to streaming after his long hiatus on youtube. On his return, he started streaming regularly on Twitch managing to gain an average of 17,000 viewers and over 4,000 loyal subscribers.

However, having recently returned to streaming, he has already got himself in some drama on the platform. The most recent drama that he got into involves twitch streamer Pokimane. It all started when during one of Pokimane live broadcast, she went on to react to a clip of Ricegum which brought up an insensitive comment he’d made in the past regarding sexual assault.

And it wasn’t long enough until the clip of her broadcast made its way to Ricegum who reacted to it during his July 6th broadcast. In the stream, Rice argued that mistakes from the past don’t portray someone’s character today.

He even brought up a controversial clip from Pokimane’s past, voicing she’s grown as a person since then, and so has he. He stated; “So because I made a joke like five years ago, I can’t defend myself… there’s clips of Pokimane saying the N-word a long time ago, but she’s a changed person, she’s not the same person she was a long time ago.”

Shortly after the clip was made, Pokimane saw the clip of RiceGum’s response on LivestreamFail subreddit and Pokimane went on to react to it again. Pokimane hit back; “No Rice, I’m not saying you haven’t changed… I’m saying that if you are cognizant of the mistake you’ve made in the past, maybe you shouldn’t say other people are making that mistake too”.