NICKMERCS And Warzone 2

Ennan Zapanta June 1, 2022
NICKMERCS And Warzone 2

NICKMERCS is one of Twitch’s most popular streamers, and he’s made a living playing Call of Duty games, especially Warzone, for the most of his career.

Nick, on the other hand, swore off Warzone in August 2021, claiming that it was at a “bad spot” and that he no longer enjoyed it. Nick is still hesitant to return to the game or the Warzone sequel, which is set to release later this year, despite the passage of more than nine months. 

Even if the game offers a ranked mode, he doesn’t appear to be interested in investing much time in it, especially considering how much he enjoys Apex Legends. Nick said; “I’m getting this question a lot… ‘Yo Nick, if the new Warzone has a ranked mode, are you going to grind it?’… I really don’t know, I can’t tell you. It can have a ranked mode, but it can be horrible, right? It can have a ranked mode and it could be good, but it could not be as good as Apex. I just can’t predict it. I have no idea.”

Part of Nick’s hesitancy to commit to Warzone 2 appeared to stem from his belief that corporations like Activision can no longer create “great” games. He added; “These fucking companies—they rarely do something great. These old companies don’t do anything great anymore. It’s a rarity, bro. More often than not, they fuck shit up. It’s all about advertisement. They hype it up… and then it comes out and it’s just so bland more often than not.” 

Nick praised Apex despite the fact that EA, the parent company of Apex creator Respawn, is older than Activision Blizzard. He believes the game is improving and that Storm Point, the most recent map, is “one of the best battle royale maps [he] has ever played.” If Nick waits until Modern Warfare II and Warzone 2 are released before returning to Call of Duty, fans will have to wait around five months to see him again. On October 28, Modern Warfare II will be released.