MrBeast is Under Fire

TwitchAddict November 22, 2021
MrBeast is Under Fire

After publishing a TikTok video showing off the set he’s made for his recreation of Squid Game, MrBeast has received backlash from Twitter users.

Fans all over the world have been hooked on the South Korean dystopian TV drama Squid Game since it was released on Netflix. Hwang Dong-hyuk, a producer and screenwriter, has created a dark picture of the future, and many people have attempted to emulate the renowned games. Of course, this is without the violent scenes.

MrBeast soon stated that he will recreate the viral television show. Since then, he’s revealed the $3.5 million price tag and provided periodic updates on his construction progress. On November 13, however, the creator received considerable backlash after posting a TikTok update.

The YouTube philanthropist also shared the video on Twitter in addition to TikTok. He was quickly criticized for duplicating the series and spending so much time doing so. 

However, one commenter made a point concerning the games the series is based on. They explained; “There is no part of me that understands this. They’re children’s games. They’re based on real games children play. You can just play them, why do so many people think “Squid Game in real life” is cool? ”

Someone else commented on the high quality of the set that was built. Others have suggested that instead of building such an extravagant set, he should donate his money to people in need.

MrBeast has announced that one of his many methods to give back to the community is to raise $30 million to clean up the world’s oceans.