“I Don’t Think It’s Dying”

TwitchAddict January 17, 2021
“I Don’t Think It’s Dying”

Ali Hassan aka SypherPK who is a popular Fortnite veteran recently shared his thoughts regarding fortnite. As Fortnite pro Zayt suddenly retired from competitive Fortnite, it started a debate around the current state of the game’s competitive scene. Some players and pros claim that the reduction in prize pools for 2021 has severely affected it.

Twitch streamer SypherPK has the knowledge to rationally comprehend the ongoing incidents and as he has played fortnite since its release. He has taken part in a plethora of competitive tournaments. He posted a youtube video of him talking about the competitive fortnite. He further gave a positive outlook. Sypherpk stated; “I personally don’t think it’s dying, but the momentum is slowing down. There needs to be something done, I think, to really rejuvenate and re-motivate people to get into competitive Fortnite, to watch more competitive Fortnite, and to be excited about it.”

Sypher also went on to open up regarding the retirement of one of the most celebrated Fortnite pro Zayt. Zayt claimed that he won’t be leaving the Fortnite scene or NRG. He’s just retiring from competing in tournaments and grinding the game at the highest level as he will focus on other aspects of the community, putting more time into creating content, coaching other players, and exploring other opportunities. Regardless, on Sypherpk’s video, he suggests that Fortnite should shift its focus from the battle royale mode.