GeorgeNotFound Stans Roasted by Hbomb94

TwitchAddict May 6, 2021
GeorgeNotFound Stans Roasted by Hbomb94

There has been a recent drama that has stirred up the Minecraft community recently after female streamer JustaMinx tweeted a compliment towards the Minecraft streamer GeorgeNotFound and tagging him in the process. This has resulted in some of his stans becoming overprotective towards the Minecraft streamer and now, HBomb94 has roasted those stans recently. George Henry Davidson famously known online as GeorgeNotFound is an English YouTuber known for creating Minecraft videos.

He frequently collaborates with fellow Minecraft YouTubers Sapnap, BadBoyHalo, and Dream, and is part of the Minecraft Dream SMP server. He has been making videos for years and because of this, he has now gained a massive following on his youtube channel as he has now amassed nearly eight million subscribers on YouTube. However, it seems like some of his fans can get wildly protective of their favorite content creators as recently, when JustaMinx hit up George on Twitter, stans were not happy about it. On May 4th, JustaMinx tweeted out complimenting George as she stated that George looked cute with glasses.

Then after this, tons of stans posted a tweet who seemed protective of George. Some of the tweets were memes, some were reminders of recent drama Minx was embroiled in, and others were harshly worded rebukes at the idea of George and Minx mingling. Now, HBomb94 got into the discussion by mocking the “George get behind me” trend seen in the comments, and that didn’t sit well with the people involved as HBomb94 stated; “If your side is trying to protect a 24-year-old man by quote retweeting cringy and toxic things making people dislike his fans/stans and also overreacting to me making a stupid dnd joke we do, yeah I’m not on that side”.