Dandy Ace

TwitchAddict September 23, 2021
Dandy Ace

An action-adventure game Dandy Ace, has been given a console release date. It will be available on September 28th for Xbox One and Nintendo Switch, as well as Xbox Games Pass.

What about the PS4?

According to Mad Mimic, the PlayStation version should be available soon, with a release date yet to be determined.

Additional content, such as new abilities and accessories, is included in the console version of Dandy Ace. On September 28th, those who own the game on PC will also receive the extras for free.

The game also includes dubbing in Portuguese, with voices by BRKsEdu, Patife, Kalera, and Gabi Catuzzo, among other well-known YouTubers and Streamers in the country.

Dandy Ace follows the adventures of the magician Dandy, who must defeat creatures and escape from a dungeon that changes with each game by using special cards.

It took years to develop, and while there are obvious similarities with the popular Hades, largely due to the roguelike mechanics, the initial idea was to combine two other successful indie games: Dead Cells and Transistor.

He said that transistor is all about combining skills and that is one of the foundations of Dandy Ace, along with the roguelike progression seen in Dead Cells. Dandy Ace is a cross between Transistor and Dead Cells.

Dandy Ace was already in production when Hades was announced and entered Early Access on the Epic Games Store at the end of 2018, so he had little influence on the Brazilian game.

There were even one or two things [influenced by Hades] that we thought were cool and could be featured on Dandy Ace, but they were minor details.

Although Dandy Ace did not go through an Early Access period like Hades, which helped Supergiant’s game achieve its current level of quality, Leo claims that the community and group testing they did were crucial to the game’s development.

It was incredible how much these tests aided the production because they changed the game so rapidly as a result of the feedback. Without it, the game would undoubtedly be worse.

Leo Motta discussed more of Dandy’s backstory on this week’s Game Trends podcast, including the process of creating a roguelike game and why more and more games, such as Deathloop, are introducing loop systems.