Dafran Takes Revenge On Symfuhny In Rust

TwitchAddict January 5, 2021
Dafran Takes Revenge On Symfuhny In Rust

The OfflineTV private Rust server has undoubtedly become the talk of the town for its controversies and its success with Twitch viewers. OfflineTV member Abe who is also the one who created the server recently announced that the server will be shut down on January 5th and that they will create a new server that will be arriving on January 7th.

After the server was reset, there was still an action-packed drama-filled day on the server during January 4th. Twitch streamer Symfuhny logged back into the Rust and soon realized that someone had built a giant ice wall around his base and he was unable to leave. He started calling out for Dafran as he said; “How the fk are we gonna get out, dude these walls are huge… Who’s this f*king Dafran guy.”

Then as the stream continued, Symfuhny was voicing his frustration with Dafran to a group of server members and one player asked Symfuhny who built the wall and he immediately answered, “Dafran… washed up Overwatch player.” While Dafran had been listening to the whole conversation, he was waiting to shoot with his sniper and that’s when he accidentally killed CouRageJD, leaving Symfuhny to make a run for it. Dafran immediately reloaded his sniper while Symfuhny made a run for the woods which was absolutely hilarious. But then one of Dafran’s teammates chased Symfuhny and secured revenge for Dafran.