CallMeCarson Goes Missing

TwitchAddict January 16, 2021
CallMeCarson Goes Missing

American Twitch Streamer, and YouTuber Carson King famously known as CallMeCarson has not been streaming on Twitch lately.

Minecraft content creator CallMeCarson left his 3 million YouTube subscribers and 1.5 million followers on Twitch wondering where he has been these past few days. It’s been a couple of weeks since Carlson had been active on his social media accounts. His streaming platform also has been quiet and no recent streams have been uploaded.

Carson was accused onJanuary 5th of underage grooming and pedophilia. These accusations were initially revealed in a KEEMSTAR drama alert video. He was accused of allegedly exchanging sensitive topics with a 17-year-old who happened to be his fan.

Since Keemstar’s video circulated, more accusations have floated on Twitter saying that they were also victimized by Carson. One of his former members from Lunchbox commented on the allegations saying that Carson revealed to him that he had been exchanging naked photos with an underage girl.

Ever since these accusations circulated on social media, CallMeCarson has mysteriously gone missing and hasn’t given any statements about the accusations thrown at him.

CallMeCarson’s whereabouts are still unknown and many of his fans are left in question if he will come back to streaming. No apology or explanation or admitting to his mistakes have been posted. Many are still waiting for him or his management to address the issue.