$300,000 Offer To Asmongold

TwitchAddict November 4, 2020
$300,000 Offer To Asmongold

Talk about having a payroll of $300,000 in a day by just playing a game?

Asmongold, a Twitch Partner with over 1.7 million twitch followers revealed in his stream that he was offered to play a specific game for a day for $300,000.

Seems like easy money for everyone, but guess what, he is still not accepting the offer.

His response to the offer was “maybe”. He is still thinking about whether to accept the offer one day.

The good thing about his response is that streaming isn’t just about the money. It’s about streaming the game you love and not to stream just to earn money. Asmongold plays WorldOfWarcraft because he loves it.

It also doesn’t mean that he rejected it. The offer is still there, he is just not accepting it yet.

This is also not the first time that he received a huge offer. He once accepted an offer of $200,000 for a sponsored stream.