Welcome Rekkles!

TwitchAddict November 20, 2020
Welcome Rekkles!

League of Legends finally confirmed that G2 Esports has welcomed Rekkles to the team. Jungle Jankos watched and made a comment on the new signing.

The Polish Streamer named Jankos watched G2’s announcement video during his Twitch Live Stream broadcast and he made a comment about Rekkles potential reason and motives for leaving his previous team Fnatic.

Jankos said on his live stream; “I do believe if he wanted to get paid more though, he could go to NA, he could maybe even stay in Fnatic, he could maybe go to a European Team,” he added “But he wants to win, and if he wants to win then G2 is the best team in Europe to in.”

Janko also said that Rekkles is very talented, very strong, a good player and a veteran that wouldn’t need any teaching.

Rekkles joins the best team in Europe, and he will play alongside Caps, Jankos, Wunder, and Mikyx on G2 for the start of the 2021 LEC Spring Split, which is set to begin next year.