The Dalgona Challenge on Genshin Impact

TwitchAddict November 22, 2021
The Dalgona Challenge on Genshin Impact

Squid Game has returned to the colorful world of Genshin Impact, tasked with completing the infamous Dalgona Challenge by Teyvat’s contestants.

The deadly difficulties of Squid Game may have ended in season one, but the world of Genshin Impact has just just begun. One clever Genshin Impact content creator, in fact, has been reproducing the violent games from Netflix’s ever-popular show.

Teyvat’s travels had previously faced the dreadful Green Light, Red Light Challenge, which genshashin had set up for them.

Fans of Genshin Impact and Squid Game praised this realistic remake, with many appreciating its lighthearted spin on the unsettling children’s game. Genshashin, on the other hand, has given the game’s adored cast the challenge of completing the Dalgona Challenge, one of Squid Game’s most famous trials.

The Dalgona Challenge from Squid Game requires competitors to use a needle to cut a shape out of a circular honeycomb. Although it appears to be a simple task, the fragile nature of the sugar-based sweet, combined with the exquisite design of the forms, can lead to a number of mishaps.

Circles, triangles, stars, and the infamous umbrella are among the shapes. While cutting out the simpler forms is simple, cutting out the more complicated items takes a little more work. After all, even a single blunder can result in the Dalgona collapsing. While this may not be a problem in the real world, it leads to a quick death from one of the armed guards in the Squid Game.

The Dalgona Challenge appears to have made its way to Genshin Impact. Contestants are removed by Xiao, the game’s masked Adeptus, rather than the pink armed guards. 

“This is definitely the most difficult video I’ve edited for this channel so far, because of the sheer amount of rotoscoping I had to do,” explained genshashin.