Streamers Reacts To Twitch’s 50/50 Revenue Policy

Rose Andres Amiel February 27, 2023
Streamers Reacts To Twitch’s 50/50 Revenue Policy

Reporter Daniel “Keemstar,” a social media influencer and YouTuber, shared a video on Twitter of a female Twitch streamer sobbing about Twitch’s revenue policy.

Several people felt sorry for her, but others stayed impartial and pointed out that Twitch barely turns a profit, supporting the platform’s payout mechanism. For those who are unaware, Twitch modified its revenue structure in October 2022. As of that time, a regular Twitch channel membership costs $5, and the default setting for revenue splitting is currently 50% for the platform and 50% for the streamer. The amended regulation would limit certain streamers’ 70/30 revenue split arrangement to their first $100,000 in subscription revenue.

Since the new income arrangement went into effect in October 2022, Twitch has been under fire for the platform’s poor treatment of content creators. Many members of the community expressed their displeasure and complaints regarding the detrimental effect that this move has had on their capacity to generate a stable income and expand their channels.

In the viral video clip released by Keemstar, the Twitch streamer says: “How about Twitch doesn’t take half the money you guys give me? Am I being unreasonable? Type ‘1’ in the chat if you think I’m being unreasonable, ‘2’ in the chat if you think this is a fair argument. Here’s the thing, guys, and I’m sorry you have to hear this, I’m sorry I even have to have this conversation on my channel, cause you guys shouldn’t have to hear this, you guys pay me enough.”

The Twitch streamer was obviously emotional at this point: “You pay me more than enough to be here, like more than enough. It’s not you guys, it’s literally not you. And yet here I am, I have to tell you like how I’m getting half my money taken by Twitch.”