Shroud And xQc At It Again

TwitchAddict January 17, 2021
Shroud And xQc At It Again

Twitch star Michael Grzesiek better known as Shroud had perfect comedic timing after his fellow streamer xQc lost 8k scrap metal from gambling.

The multiplayer and roleplaying game that was produced by Facepunch Studios is popular again. The game was originally created in 2013 and thanks to Twitch and it’s users, the game is now getting recognition from bigger streamers like xQc, Pokimane, and Shroud.

OfflineTV launched their own server called The Badlands but after different twitch stars involved in different kinds of drama and conflicts, OfflineTV made another server January 10th called The Divide. The two servers consist of different twitch stars and it focuses on roleplaying and PVPing.

During xQc’s stream on January 16th, he was once again involved in gambling and managed to flush around his 8,000 scrap metal down the drain after betting it all at the casino.

xQc bet all of his scrap metal at Rust’s Roulette Wheel of Fortune and after he lost, he exited the casino without saying a single word. xQc kept on walking silently without saying a word to his viewers.

Seconds later, he came across with his fellow streamer Shroud. You can hear Shroud shouting; “I’m so excited for this Casino” while he’s in the car and many fans of xQc were laughing so hard because the timing of Shroud’s excitement compared to xQc’s annoyed face after his losing was hilarious.

xQc kept looking straight, and still not saying anything minutes later, he decided to blow up himself using an RPG.

xQc’s rust gambling will surely continue and anyone who has watched him knows that he will still continue to gamble even if he loses all his scraps.