Asmongold’s Thoughts About Fatphobia

Ennan Zapanta April 1, 2022
Asmongold’s Thoughts About Fatphobia

Twitch streamer Zach “Asmongold” expressed his views on fatphobia during his most recent show, arguing that other online personalities who disagree with him are harming both their audience and society as a whole.

When it comes to recent events, Twitch drama, and anything else that is being talked about online, Asmongold is known for his critical comments. He gives his audience his raw, unedited take on everything. He was reacting to a video covering the renowned “1000lb Sisters” during his most recent stream when a chatter suggested he shouldn’t be fatphobic towards anyone. “Fatphobia is cringe, try to be more body positive yikes.” 

After reading the post aloud, he quickly responded to the viewer with his take on fatphobia, claiming that being over 400 pounds is unhealthy. “You know who’s fatphobic? Your body, your body is fatphobic. How many 90-year-old people do you see that weigh over 400lbs? Zero! You know why? It’s ’cause they’re dead.” 

Asmon continued his tirade against fatphobia, claiming that the only person over 90 years old and fat is a mythical character named Santa Claus. “Think about the only famous, well-known, really old fat person, Santa Claus, and he’s not real. That’s all there is to it. I’m sorry, but we gotta keep it real, guys. That’s the truth.” 

He went on to explain that anyone speaking in front of an audience should tell them exactly what he’s saying, and that if they don’t, they’re doing them a disservice. “I think anybody who doesn’t say what I’m saying is doing a massive disservice to not only their audience, but to the entire society” 

He completed his anti-fatphobia argument by stating that the person he was reacting to is free to do whatever they want with their bodies, but they should not be defending such a lifestyle. “You can live however you want, I don’t care. She can eat as many marshmallows, drink as much soda, and smoke as many cigarettes as she wants. That’s fine, she can do whatever she wants, but do not even for a second try to tell me that it’s not bad.”