Apex Players Still Waiting For Wattson Buff

TwitchAddict October 12, 2021
Apex Players Still Waiting For Wattson Buff

This season, Apex Legends has modified the meta a significantly, including giving Rampart massive upgrades, which saw her pick rate skyrocket compared to before the Evolution Collection event.

Despite this, some players believe Wattson might use a buff, especially when compared to the rest of the defensive legends’ tactical abilities.

Wattson hasn’t gotten much attention from the devs in Season 10, and despite being the most recent to get a Twitch Prime skin, her meta position is still underwhelming.

While individuals that use Wattson can achieve great things, outperforming the other requires a high level of experience and intelligence.

On the Apex Legends thread, Reddit member lilakey revealed one of the main reasons Wattson needs a buff, showing the community: “Watson’s cooldown compared to other defense legends.”

Wattson’s Tactical Fence ability is compared to Rampart’s barriers, Caustic’s gas traps, and Gibraltar’s Dome of Protection in the Apex Legends post.

“Rampart can use three walls,” “Caustic can use three traps,” and “Gibby can use two domes” in the time it takes one fence to recharge for Wattson, as the post indicates.

Wattson, the player believes, should not be totally dependent on a 3-minute ult cooldown or RNG, as “a legend shouldn’t be entirely based on a 3-minute ult cooldown or RNG.” Other legends on defense provide far more consistent value.

Wattson’s fences take far too long to charge, and while they are powerful, Caustic traps, Rampart barriers, and Gibraltar’s Dome are all equally valuable to an Apex Legends team.

Wattson has yet to receive a buff, but it’s evident that she does, particularly in terms of her Tactical cooldown, which the user believes should be lowered.