Adin Ross Talks About Andrew Tate Accuser

Rose Andres Amiel February 20, 2023
Adin Ross Talks About Andrew Tate Accuser

Adin Ross has recently made headlines for saying some outrageous statements that seem to have been said only for video.

He has also been increasingly associated with the Andrew Tate brand, going so far as to reportedly be one of the select few individuals added to the internet personality’s visitor list in jail. Currently, Ross has expressed some rather harsh opinions regarding the accuser of Tate, who is currently being held in Romania on charges of human trafficking.

Ross can be heard discussing current reports that Tate was falsely accused and imprisoned by a woman in a recent Twitch stream from February 16. If this is the case, according to Ross, “the girl deserves to go to Romanian prison for life,” and he later added that she also deserves to be kept in seclusion. As of this writing, there have been no major reports concerning Tate being falsely accused. 

Ross typically appears unhurried and aloof in most videos. Yet in this one, he sounds sincere in his frustration and his rage just grows as he speaks. The fact that Ross goes so far as to essentially say “send that bitch to fucking jail” at the end of the clip is what stands out the most. Ross’ sentiments regarding the Tate inquiry are made apparent by that last sentence, which you can feel the heat emanating from. Ross recently made headlines when he announced that, following alleged threats from Twitch regarding some of his content, he will begin experimenting with streaming on the Kick platform.

It’s probable that Ross will leave the site in favor of Kick, which has previously asserted to value free expression, in light of potential threats of being permanently banned.